Managing Agencies in the Aguardion platform.


Creating, Viewing and Editing Agencies

For private monitoring organizations, ‘Agencies’ in the Aguardion platform represent entities you provide services too, like a court, probation department or bail bondsmen.

For public-sector Aguardion customers, the Agency feature can be utilized in a variety of different ways depending on your internal structure. One common use is to utilize the Agency section to differentiate between different parts of your supervision program (pretrial vs probation for example). To best determine the ideal configuration structure, please contact the Aguardion onboarding team at to setup a complimentary consult. 

Agency Dashboard 

Agency dashboard screengrab

Navigate to the ‘Agencies’ dashboard under administration on the navigation pane to view, edit and create Agencies. As with the other Aguardion dashboards, you can manipulate the table view by utilizing the filters, search and sort features. Columns can be hidden using the 'columns' option. 
Contact Aguardion support at before utilizing any of the 'group' (bulk) options like 'Inactivate' or 'Delete'.

Viewing and Editing an Agency

Editing agency screen grab

Viewing an agency will bring up a summary of the active Packages on that Agency. Agency invoices and general information can also be viewed. Editing the Agency will bring up the Agency configuration, which is covered in detail below.

Creating an Agency

Select ‘Add Agency’ to begin the new agency creation process.
As a general best practice, create an Agency entry for each distinct organization you do business with regardless of how many programs you run for them. Later on, we will utilize the 'Packages' feature to create distinct equipment portfolios for each supervision program. 

As indicated by the red asterisks, only a few fields are required, but Aguardion recommends completing as many fields as possible. The email address used should be for your main point of contact. ‘Program profiles’ and ‘Protocols’ both allow you to upload specific documentation about the Agency for reference and storage. Selecting next will take you to the Point of Contact/Primary Contact (POC) screen.

Point of Contact/Primary Contact (POC) Creation Page

Config of agency screenshot

An Agency POC is a member of the agency leadership. This contact information should reference their physical office and we recommend you make it as complete as possible. You can recycle the contact email from the previous menu if needed.

If your program doesn't closely track this information, 'X' can be used for contact name.

Utilizing the ‘Add Another’ option, you can create multiple POC records. Select the ‘Make as Main POC’ option on the individual you want to show up by default as the POC on that Agency. 

Selecting ‘Next’ will take you to the primary/probation officer ‘PO’ screen.

Primary/Parole Officer (PO) Creation Page

PO creation screen grab

A PO in the Aguardion system is the parole/supervising officer, judge, bail-bondsmen, counselor, attorney, case manager or other agency staffer responsible for a client's supervision. Every Monitoring event requires an assigned PO. If your program tracks this information closely, it is vital these entries are complete, accurate and kept up to date on each of your agency entries. 
If your program doesn't closely track this information, 'X' can be used for contact information.

Much like POC’s, you can add multiple PO’s and select a ‘Main PO’ for reporting purposes. Enable alert emails if you want PO's to receive them.

Selecting ‘next’ will take you to the ‘Device’ screen.

Device Creation Page

device creation screen grab

The Device Configuration page is the where you configure Packages, Fees, Replacement costs and Daily Rates that appear whenever you create a Monitoring Event under the Agency in question. 

Install Fee

Install fee setup screen grab

This fee is automatically applied to all installs. It can be modified (including zeroed out) during Installs and cannot configured as 'locked' or 'required'.

Custom Fee

Custom fee's are administrator-defined fee-items unique to your program. You can learn more about them on the Custom Fee knowledge base page.  Just like Install Fee's, they appear during an installation. 'Active' will display the Custom Fee in question during installs being created under the Agency in question. 'Required' will prevent an installer from proceeding without taking the Custom Fee- the installer will still be able to alter the amount. 'Locked' will prevent the installer from altering the amount.

To ensure the long term accuracy of the reporting, we recommend contacting Aguardion support before configuring custom fee's.

Add/Remove Monitoring Packages

package configuration screen grab

Add or remove packages to the Agency utilizing this option. If you do not see the Package you need, it will have to be added at the package dashboard. Learn more about creating and editing packages on the knowledge base article.

Configuring Packages: Replacement Cost, Price per Day

package configuration screen grab

'Replacement Cost' defines the amount of money that will be added to a client's bad debt if that specific piece of equipment isn't returned. 'Price Per Day' is the daily rate a client will be charged when that Package is assigned, installed and activated on there Monitoring Event. if you have multiple daily rates for the same collection of equipment, multiple Packages will have to be created.

Take particular care when filling this out- mistakes can cause confusion, poor report accuracy and potentially, lost income. Reach out to if any questions arise.

In certain circumstances, creating a zero daily rate package is a good option. Contact support for advanced training on configuration and setup.

Admin Fee

Admin fee configuration  screengrab

Some Supervision Programs reimburse the Agency a portion of the daily rate to cover 'administrative' expenses. Utilize the 'Admin Fee' section to account for this. you can include the Admin Fee for Partial Grant Pay Monitoring Events by selecting 'Include Admin Fee for Partial Grant Pay'. 'Save' to move onto Invoice Items.

Invoice items

Invoice ITems dashboard configuration on agency level

'Invoice items' functions just like Custom Fee's: the fee's themselves are set globally and then configured for each Agency on the 'Invoice Items' page. For an Invoice item to appear as a line-item option on Invoices created against this Agency, enable it using the 'active' column. Set a price (or leave it blank to make it editable) and apply a Tax Rate if applicable. 

Note that Invoice items can be configured as 'to Pool' and 'Fixed', but this is done globally.

Alert Systems

As of January, 2025, this feature is in beta and offers no user functionality. 'Save' to complete the Agency creation/edit.

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