Swapping Packages & Changing Rates on Active Events

Swapping Packages & Changing Rates on Active Events


Packages and Daily Rates are intrinsically linked: Packages define the device type for the participant and the specific Daily Rate.
Each package that is active on an Agency can only have one price point
Most agencies will have multiple packages that may look the same in regards to equipment profiles if they have multiple price points.

Packages and Daily Rates can only be configured by an Admin user.


There are two use cases where a user would want to swap Packages:
  1. To change the equipment types on a Monitoring Event.
    1. For example, if a client is moving from a SCRAM CAM to a Remote Breath, the packages will likely need to be swapped.
  2. To change the Daily Rate.
    1. For example, if a client is going from a $9 Daily Rate to a $10 Daily Rate, the package will need to be changed, even if the installed serial numbers remain the same. 
Simply swapping a device serial number (where the daily rate or package doesn't need to change) DOES NOT call for changing the package. Utilize the Exchange option to swap device serial numbers. 

The package doesn't always need to be changed if a client is moving between pay types. For example, if a client with a $10 daily rate is moving to Partial Grant Pay, but the total daily rate paid isn't changing, no Package change is needed. A Package change is ONLY needed if the total daily rate owed by all payee's changes.

Example 1: Equipment (Package Swapping) Changes

First, utilize the 'Add Device' button to add the new Package. Set the dispatch date to today.

The new Package will appear below the existing package 'In Dispatch'.
'Return' the existing Package, select "Office Install", and follow the prompts.

The 'Daily Rate Confirmation' dialogue allows you to bill the client for both daily rates for the day you do the install. In most use cases, you will want to select 'No'.
Once finished with the prompts, it should look something like this:

Select either 'Office Exchange' or "Office Dispatch" to enter the dispatch wizard.
Follow standard install process.

Select "Device Issue" when returning the original serial #'s to remove the payment requirement.
Once submitting the dispatch, the package transition is complete.

Since the event is already active, no Status changes are needed.

Example 2: Daily Rate (Same Device Serial Number) Changes

This process is essentially the same as above except the equipment must be fully returned before adding and installing the new Package.
Since the event needs to remain active during this process, changing the "Status" shouldn't be used to initiate the return.

Instead, use the "Return" Dispatch option:

Follow the prompts to initiate the return Dispatch (see above for more details on the prompts). 

Select 'Return' again to enter the dispatch wizard.
Select 'Device Issue' to remove the payment requirement and then 'submit' to complete the return.
Select "Add device" to add the new package:

Follow the prompts to create the dispatch, then select "Office Dispatch" to open the dispatch wizard and finish the Install. 
Order is important if the serial numbers aren't changing: the serial numbers must be removed from the original package BEFORE they can reinstalled on the new Package.
Once submitting the Dispatch, the package transition is complete.
Since the event is already active, no Status changes are needed.

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