FAQ- Past Due

On the Invoicing Dashboard, it displays multiple entries for past due- one for the full amount and one for the next day. What's up?

When you take a pool payment, it goes into a pool balance. This isn’t money earned- its a deposit set aside for future services, just like a lawyer might require a minimum retainer that they can bill against for services in the future. At the end of the day, another transaction is run against each active client for the daily rate amount. This second transaction is actually ‘income earned’: services have been rendered for the day and that money is deducted from the pool.

All of these transactions need to be accounted for- including the transaction of your organization ‘earning’ the money for services rendered. Hence why you see a bunch of daily rate ‘invoices’ (they are actually better classified as transactions) show up.

Use the filters to remove them from view.

This also speaks to why Aguardion “bills’ at the end of the day- we follow the financial industry's universal practice of ‘settling’ at the end of the day; as opposed to charging the pool at the beginning of the day.

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