Feature Release Notes- Auto Payments

Feature Release Notes- Auto Payments

Aguardion is happy to announce that the new automatic, recurring payments feature ('autopay') has gone live and can be utilized in the platform starting today. This widely-requested feature enables Aguardion users to add automatic payments to reoccurring invoices- the selected card on file will be automatically charged the night before the invoice due-date. 

This feature can be accessed via the 'Invoice' dashboard ("Future Payments", top right corner). A new table column and filter have also been added allowing you to sort/view auto-pay enabled invoices.

A knowledge base article will be released in the coming days providing more details and suggested best practices. In order to take pool payments, you will want to utilize the 'pay to pool' invoice item/billing code.

You will also notice that the left-side navigation pane looks a little different. In the interest of simplicity and streamlining, we have moved many rarely-used configuration and admin tabs (like User Management and Payment Types) underneath the administration menu. This is a cosmetic change to simplify the use of the platform and does not effect user permissions

Please note that to see these features, a hard refresh of the browser might be required. On most browsers, the 'F5' key will do this.

Please also note that this is a gradual rollout and some customers might not see the changes/new features until later in the week. Please wait until Friday before contacting the support desk to report missing features

As always, we value any feedback you can provide- please send comments, suggestions, bugs or support issues to support@aguardion.com.

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