Aguardion Custom Note Types

Custom Note Types

Aguardion Custom Note Types

Custom Note Types are Admin-configurable only.

To configure Custom Note Types - an admin user will need to expand the Administration tab and select 'Manage Note Types'.


On this screen, users will be able to add, delete, and edit custom note types - by navigating to the '+ Note Type' button, the 'Edit' button, or the 'Delete' button.

Adding/Editing Custom Note Types

Users can select the '+ Add Note Type' button to add new Custom Note Types.

Enter the desired data point and select 'Save Changes'.

To edit existing Note Types, users will need to select the 'Edit' beside the note type they wish to edit and then make the desired adjustments in the box that pops up.

Deleting/Restoring Custom Note Types

Custom Note Types can be deleted by selecting the 'Delete' button beside the desired note type.

Deleted Note Types can be restored by selecting the 'Restore Note Types' button and selecting the desired note types to restore and selecting 'Save Changes'.

Using Custom Note Types

Under a  Monitoring Event, navigate to the Notes section.
Select to add a Note, and the Custom Note Type will be able to be assigned to that note via the drop down.

Reporting on Custom Note Types

Aguardion has a 'Case Notes' Report that can be found under the 'Reports' tab. This report is filterable by note type, date range, etc... 

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