Monitoring events form the basis of the Aguardion
system: all clients under supervision will need to have events created for
The monitoring event dashboard is the jump-off
point for any monitoring event related activities and can be navigated too by
selecting ‘monitoring’ from the left-side navigation pane. The monitoring events table can be manipulated in
the same way that the rest of the dashboards work: narrowing your view can be
accomplished using the ‘Filter Results’, column sort or search options.

Do not delete a monitoring event unless necessary- deviating from the designed
workflow can lead to inconsistent report results. If you believe you have no
choice but to delete a monitoring event, contact support at
Creating a Monitoring Event
Select ‘add a monitoring event’ from the monitoring
dashboard page to begin creating an event. Note that prior to creating a
monitoring event, the client, agency, and PO’s must already be in the system.
Add the client,
state, agency and agent’s via the dropdown menu’s.

Note that if something appears to be
incorrect (the client doesn’t show in the dropdown for example), you will need
to check the configuration in the corresponding dashboard.
Packages and pricing
associated with the selected agency will automatically appear.

Note that
you do not need to assign all the equipment in a package to a monitoring event;
simply uncheck the unwanted equipment types after selecting the package. The install
fee can be waived by unchecking it.
Start/End/Total Days
Confirm these are correct. If the monitoring terms
change, they can be modified later. Modifying ‘Total Days’ will automatically
change the end date. As of May, 2020, changing the start date will not back-date payments, but this is likely to change in the coming months.
Client Pay
Client pay is designed for completely client/client
funded supervision programs. By default, client pay auto-fills the install fee
and two weeks’ worth of monitoring fees. Note that the install fee can be
modified, but the monitoring fee is set by the fee structure associated with
the agency and will have to be modified in the agency settings. ‘Bad debt’ displays any outstanding debt that individual owes from
prior monitoring. ‘Deposit’ allows you to collect a payment that
won’t be applied to outstanding debt or future monitoring fees (a ‘non-pool’
payment). This is useful if you want to collect a security deposit for example.
Pay & Partial
Grant Pay
County/grant pay and partial grant pay are designed
for clients whose supervision fees will be at partially or completely paid by
the agency. For partial grant pay’s, you can set the daily subsidy via the the
‘daily grant amount’ section.
Submitting the Monitoring Event for install
Once you are confident everything is correct with
the monitoring event, select ‘Submit’ to proceed to installation type
A ‘Field Install’ is an install that you
want to be done in the field by an FSO. Selecting this option will move the monitoring
event Status into ‘Assigned to FSO’, add the Install job to the selected FSO’s
dashboard, and send out an install dispatch via email and/or SMS message if
configured. Once the FSO completes the install, a CSR or Administrator will
have to move the monitoring event status from ‘Pending’ to ‘Active’ to begin
the monitoring period.
Office Install
An ‘Office Install’ is designed for installations
that will be done in an office setting by an Administrator or CSR user.
Selecting this option will change the monitoring event Status to ‘Assigned to
CSR’ and allow an ‘Install Event’ to be conducted by any CSR or Administrator
with the ability to view the monitoring event in question (If you are utilizing
multilocation, CSR/Admin’s will not be able to conduct install event’s on clients
assigned to locations they don’t have access too). Selecting the ‘Install Event’ dialogue box will pull up an install
screen identical to the FSO install screen. Once the installation is complete and payment is
taken, ‘Submit’ will complete the install process and move the Monitoring event
to a ‘Pending’ status.
Pay Now Vs Pay Later
During an office install, users will be given the option to 'Pay Now' or 'Pay Later'. 'Pay Now' will allow you to charge the individial immediately on completion of the installation event. 'Pay Later' will bypass the collection of payment by the system and create an invoice for the relevant charges for payment later.
Managing an Active Monitoring Event
Once a monitoring event is set to
‘Active’, no further action is required- fee’s will automatically deduct from
the pool every night at midnight.
Account Balance & Reminder
‘Account Balance’ provides you an overview of the financial status.
‘Deposit on File’ represents any non-monitoring fee deposit you have received
from the client. ‘Balance on File’ represents
the money in their ‘Pool’ i.e. the money that will gradually be depleted by
their daily monitoring fees. Scheduled, free-form email reminders can also be configured from
this section.

Note that the Deposit and
Balance can be modified manually by an Administrator, but this isn’t
recommended unless absolutely necessary. When manually modifying a balance,
always add a note explaining the balance adjustment.
SMS/Email Messaging
To access the messaging system, select ‘Send
Message’ under the client name on the monitoring event screen. You will be prompted to the message types you would
like to send: SMS and/or email. Note that SMS is character-limited and doesn’t
allow you to attach a file like you can with email. The system allows you to add recipients either by
typing their contact information in or selecting contacts associated with the monitoring
event (Like the FSO or PO). Note
that this drop-down will also populate with clients that are ‘portal-enabled’. Always confirm the contacts you add.
Note that individuals will be greyed out if no cell number is on
record. Once you have selected the recipients, your message
can be added- ‘Save’ will send the message immediately (SMS will come from a
530 area code number). Note that the message cannot be replied to. ‘Send Email’
works much the same as ‘Send Text’ with a few key differences. No message size
limit exists, and documents can be attached to the email. Note that large attachments might cause the email send to error.
Monitoring Event Notes
Notes attached to monitoring events
provide a running log of activities associated with the event. Notes can be
both user and system generated, like logs that generate changes in status,
equipment installations, or manual financial overrides. Notes
added to a monitoring event are not editable after they have been saved. Documents can be attached in the note
creation dialogue as well. This is a great place to store digital copies of all
your documentation on a specific client/monitoring event.
Emailing Notes
Selecting multiple notes and clicking
‘Email’ will allow you to send a templated email that includes the selected
notes. This is useful for things like violation reports: after creating and
uploading the report, you can easily email it to external stakeholders directly
from the Aguardion system.
Taking Payments & Adjusting Balances
Aguardion utilizes a flexible payment processing system that can be
adapted to fit many needs. The core of the payments processing system within
Aguardion is the ‘Payments Screen’, which can be accessed via the
Payments/Accounting dashboard, the ‘Take Payment’ option on a monitoring event
display or during a dispatch to collect a payment.
Take Payments Screen
The payments screen is one of the two
primary ways you take payments from a client (the other being invoicing). The left side of the payments screen
displays relevant data about the monitoring event in question. On the right
side, you can select the payment type and type of payment. Select an item (the drop down options are configured at via invoice item) and add the total price. You can add multiple line items
using the ‘Add’ option.

To add money to the pool, select the 'Pool Payment' item, NOT 'Daily Monitoring Fee'.
Balance Adjustments
As of February 1st, 2021, pool balances will no longer be adjustable by simply modifying the balance: balance adjustments will have to be processed via a workflow by administrators. To submit a pool balance adjustment, utilize the 'balance adjustment' pay type on the 'Take Payment screen. Use the item: Pool Payment and either a positive (to add funds) or negative (to deduct funds) to the total and submit. Balance adjustments will record in the transactions page as debit or credit, 'Balance Adjustment' transactions.
Monitoring Event Invoices
Monitoring event
invoices can be created, paid and viewed via the ‘monitoring invoices’ section. Note that they are color-coded by due date.
Selecting ‘Exchange’ (opposite
pointing arrows) will allow create a Field or Office Dispatch. Use this feature
to indicate the need to replace defective equipment, etc.
The Dispatch Screen will allow the FSO/CSR to swap equipment,
record the result of the visit, and define the cause of the issue: ‘Client
Issue’ or ‘Device Issue’.
Selecting ‘Client Issue’ will bring up
a payment screen allowing you to charge the individual any fees associated with
the visit. ‘Device Issue’ removes the payment
Note that the dispatch screen doesn’t
require you to swap serial numbers.
Office Dispatch
Office dispatches are best utilized if
an client plans on coming into the office. Once ‘Office Dispatch’ is selected,
an ‘Office Exchange’ option will appear. Selecting it will bring up a screen
that is identical to the FSO dispatch screen.
Field Dispatch
A Field Dispatch sends the Dispatch to
the relevant FSO’s dashboard and alerts them via email and/or SMS (if
configured) that they need to visit a client.
Changing Dispatch Type
CSR’s and Administrators retain the ability to
perform a dispatch even if they select ‘Field Exchange’. If a ‘Field Exchange’
was supposed to be an ‘Office Exchange’, simply utilize the ‘Office Exchange’
on the monitoring event to complete the exchange: once completed, the dispatch
will disappear from the FSO’s dashboard. To change an ‘Office Dispatch’ to a ‘Field
Dispatch’, resolve the ‘Office Dispatch’,
by selecting ‘Office Exchange’, switching the issue type to ‘Device
Issue’ and making a note in the Dispatch field that the dispatch was a mistake
(don’t change the serial number). After hitting ‘Submit’ recreate the dispatch
as a ‘Field Dispatch’.
Concluding the Monitoring Event
The first step in ending a monitoring event is
changing the status from ‘active’ to ‘expired’. Once you ‘expire’ an event, you
will be prompted to decide on the method of return: ‘Return by FSO’ or ‘Return
by CSR’. ‘Expired’ status monitoring events will automatically get moved to
‘Inactive’ or ‘In-Arrears’ status the next midnight.
Return by FSO/Return by CSR
‘Return by FSO’ will initiate an FSO dispatch to
retrieve the equipment. ‘Return by CSR’ will add a ‘Return’ option in the monitoring
event. If equipment isn’t returned or a negative balance exists, the monitoring
event will go into ‘In-Arrears’.
'Inactive Status'
If the system determines that the client has a zero
or positive Pool balance, the system will be moved from ‘Expired’ to
'In-Arrears' Status
If the system determines the client owes money,
hasn’t returned equipment or both, the monitoring event will move to
‘In-Arrears’ until equipment is returned, or the outstanding balance is paid.
If a new monitoring event is created for an
individual with a prior ‘In-Arrears’
monitoring event, the amount owed will show up during the install as ‘Bad
Flagged for Refund
In the case of a positive balance, the monitoring
event will be flagged as eligible for a refund (the status will remain