Invoice Items, Custom Fee's and Tax Zones

Please note that 'Invoice Items' in the Aguardion platform are generally referred to as "Billing Codes" in standard accounting practice.
Invoice Items
Invoicing is a new feature designed to
give organizations greater flexibility with how they collect. Invoicing
allows you to create single or re-occurring invoices that can be paid online
through the portal, via phone, in-person or via Auto-Billing.
Invoice Items Dashboard
To configure Invoice Items, navigate to the 'Manage Invoice Items' dashboard under administration (this requires an admin-level user).
Add Invoice Item

Before adding Invoice items, contact Aguardion support to discuss your Invoicing configuration.

For simplicity and clarity, we recommend using the same naming that appears on your other paperwork.
'Fixed Price' locks the price that is defined at the agency-level: when creating an Invoice with that Line-Item in question, the amount will not be editable. 'Pay to Pool' will direct funds collected utilizing that Line Item to the Monitoring Event pool.

Note that 'Pay to Pool' Invoices can only be created on Monitoring Events.
Importing Invoice Items

Do not attempt an import without contacting Aguardion support.
Deleting, Inactivating and other Group Options

Do not attempt any of these actions without consulting Aguardion support; they can effect the long-term accuracy of the reporting.
Editing Invoice Items

Do not attempt to edit existing, in-use Line Items without consulting Aguardion support.
Tax Zones

If your program doesn't need to collect taxes, this configuration can be skipped.
Tax Zone Dashboard
The 'Tax Zone' dashboard can be found under administration on the navigation pane (configuring tax zones require admin-level credentials).
Add Tax Zone
Aguardion recommends utilizing a standardized, easy to understand naming format.

Note that percentage can include decimals.
Import Tax Zone, Delete, Edit and Group Operations

Do not attempt to edit existing, in-use tax zones without consulting Aguardion support- you will receive an error.
Custom Fee Items
Custom Fee Item Configuration Dashboard
The 'Custom Fee Item' dashboard can be found under administration on the navigation pane (configuring custom fee items require admin-level credentials).
Adding Custom Fee's
Aguardion recommends utilizing a standardized, easy to understand naming format.
Editing, Deleting or Group Operations

Do not attempt to edit existing, in-use fee items without consulting Aguardion support- it will cause an error.
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