Configuring and Utilizing the Supervision Module

Configuring and Utilizing the Supervision Module

Configuring the Supervision Module

Once the Supervision module is enabled within your instance, a few new sections will appear: the 'Supervision' dashboard,  'Supervision Type' and 'Supervision Status' configuration pages. 
Supervision navigationscreengrab

Defining Supervision Types

First, 'Supervision Types' need to be defined within the module. Supervision Types refer to the type of supervision program that you run and can be added by using 'Add Type'. A few examples of probation types include:
  1. Active probation
  2. Contract probation
  3. Parole
  4. Work release. These can be easily added using 'add type'.

supervision types dashboard
Defining Supervision Statuses

Statuses represent all the 'states' that a supervision event might be in and should reflect every potential stage that must be documented.
For example, a misdemeanor probation program might include the follow statuses:
  1. Active
  2. Concluded
  3. Pending Revocation
  4. Revoked
Consult Aguardion support for current best practices prior to configuring this section.

Note that Supervision requires no configuration at the Agency level.

Creating a Supervision Event

Creating a Supervision Event mimics the functionality used to create a standard Monitoring Event and should be easily picked up by anyone familiar with the basics of the Aguardion platform. Navigate to the 'Supervision' dashboard and select 'Add Supervision Event'. Select the relevant information and 'Save' to create the event.

Supervision Event Page

supervision event page screengrab

Event Details

Event details provide an overview of the Supervision Event. Unlike Monitoring Events, 'type' and 'status' do not initiate any automated workflows and can be changed at will based on your organization's internal SOP.


'Appointments' allow you to record client check-ins: when submitting a check-in, you will be prompted to enter case notes. The Supervision module doesn't support automated scheduling at this time. 

Notes List

Notes functionality mimics the functionality found in other modules. 


Invoice functionality mimics the functionality found in other modules. 

Other Events

'Other Events' will list active drug testing or monitoring events for the client. 

Concluding a Supervision Event

SOP for concluding an Event will vary depending on program needs and configuration: supervision statuses do not initiate any automation at this time. 

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