Drug Testing Module Introduction

Configuring and Utilizing the Drug Testing Module

Configuring the Drug Testing Module

Once the Drug Testing module is enabled within your instance, a few new sections will appear: a 'Drug Testing' Dashboard, a 'Drug Tests' and 'Drug Packages' under administration and a 'Drug Testing' section within the Agency configuration tabs. Configuring Drug testing follows the same logic that a standard monitoring package does.

Adding Test Types and Test Packages

First, the individual 'Drug Tests' that you will utilize must be configured (these correspond to 'Devices' for standard Monitoring) under Administration navigate to 'Drug Tests'. From here, you can add Tests.

Add Testing

Assigning Packages and Pricing

The final step in configuring Drug Testing is assigning 'Drug Packages' to specific agencies and setting the agency-specific pricing. To do this, edit the relevant agencies and view the 'Drug Testing' configuration tab. Use '+Add/Remove Test Results' to add specific Drug Packages to that Agency and then configure the price for each. 'Save' when done to apply changes.

Add Drug Testing Packages Screen Grab

Utilizing Inventory with drug testing is optional, and can be configured via the 'testing inventory' page. You will be given the option to enter a separate COC number when creating a drug testing event.

Creating a Drug Testing Event

Creating a Drug Testing Event mimics the functionality used to create a standard Monitoring Event and should be easily picked up by anyone familiar with the basics of the Aguardion platform. Navigate to the 'Testing' dashboard and select 'Add Test'. Select the relevant information and drug testing package and 'Save' to create the test.

Drug Testing Event Page

Drug Testing Screen grab

Drug Test Packages

This section shows the drug test package(s) assigned to this event. To start a new active test, select a drug test type from the drop down, including any of the following optional information: Serial#, CoC, Start or end date and select add. You will be prompted to pay now or later: 'Pay Later' will create an invoice against the drug test event. 

Active Tests

This displays all the Active tests on the drug testing event. Note that multiple active tests can run concurrently on a testing event and they should be concluded (via 'Add Result') until the results have been received.

Adding Result (Concluding a Test)

To conclude an individual test (not the testing event itself), utilize 'Add Result'. This will pull up a dialogue box allowing you to record the results, enter notes and attach a file to the result entry. 

Add Result screen grab

Attaching an image or PDF of of the original results information is recommended best practice.

Once the result has been submitted, it will appear under the 'Completed Tests' section of the event. This section also serves as the notes section of the drug testing event and shares much of the functionality.
Note that results and notes cannot be modified after submission.
Utilizing the email note feature is a great way to send results to outside stakeholders: 

Other Events

'Other Events' list active supervision or monitoring events for the client.

Concluding a Drug Testing Event

Before concluding a Testing Event, wait until all results have been returned. Once all the results have been returned and recorded, simply change the event status to 'Inactive'. 
Note that outstanding Drug Testing invoices will NOT show as bad debt. If you suspect someone might have outstanding invoices, consult the accounts receivable report before install.

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