Inventory Management in the Aguardion platform


Video Tutorial

Inventory in the Aguardion System

The vast majority of inventory related actions are preformed via the inventory dashboard, which can be navigated to via the left-side navigation pane.

Adding Inventory- Single Unit

Select ‘Add Inventory’ to begin the inventory creation process. 

Selecting the ‘device’ field will give you a drop down of created equipment types.

Select the type or navigate back to the equipment dashboard under administration to add a missing equipment type.

The ‘serial number’ field should be used for the manufacturer assigned serial number and is REQUIRED for Aguardion to accurately track your inventory status.

Duplicate serial number entries will be flagged by the system and show an error notification.
In-service date is useful for tracking equipment life-cycles and average age.

Replacement cost is the actual cost to replace a unit, not contractually defined fees you can charge clients for lost, stolen or broken units.
These fields can be populated using a USB bar-code scanner if your units have manufacturer labels and can be bulk uploaded using a spreadsheet.
Reach out to the Aguardion support team at for a list of recommended devices and assistance getting set up with the bulk upload feature.
The tracking number field is for organization-specific identifiers. This is a free form field that won’t flag duplicate entries.

When creating inventory, you will only be given multiple location options: for new inventory, you will want to use 'in inventory' or 'on truck.

Aguardion defines ‘On Truck’ as inventory that has been assigned to a field installer and is physically in their possession (on truck).

Aguardion defines ‘In Inventory’ as units that are currently at a central depository of equipment.

The ‘Add More Fields’ option can be used to add any additional, organization-specific information you’d like to track about individual inventory. 
User-created, custom fields cannot be searched.

Add Inventory- Import

Aguardion supports bulk uploading of inventory via comma separated values (.csv) file.
Do not attempt to do a bulk upload without contacting support for additional training.                                                                                 

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