Client Management in the Aguardion platform.


Video Tutorial

Client Creation and Management

Client Dashboard

Clients, otherwise known as offenders or participants, can be viewed, created and edited from the client dashboard. Easily find a client by filtering the list or by using the search bar.

Creating a Client

Select ‘Add Client’ from the client management dashboard to bring up the add client wizard pictured above.

When creating a client, only First/Last name, cell number and DOB are required.
Aguardion recommends adding in all the information you can gather from the client to take advantage of all the benefits of the Aguardion platform and the database.
Aguardion recommends searching for a client before adding them onto the platform to ensure the client is not already in the system. Practicing this will ensure there is not any duplicate entries. Once a client is created, it is not recommended that they be deleted. If you feel like they should be deleted, please reach out to the Aguardion support team before deletion at

Portal Access

Set up the client's portal access under the "Edit" client view. Create a username, password (or use the system suggested one), create a security question and answer, and assign the client to receive alert emails regarding their balance.
The client can change their password and security question and answer when they log in.
This is where you can reset their password if need be.

Editing a Client

Selecting ‘Edit’ next to the offender on the client dashboard will allow you to edit that participant's information. 

Payment Details

Saved payment methods can be viewed, added, or deleted via this section.

Client Notes

Client-specific notes (i.e. notes not tied to a specific monitoring event) can be viewed, edited and created when you are editing a client. 
Client-specific notes CAN be modified retroactively (unlike notes that are attached to a monitoring event). 
In addition, note types cannot be defined at this level. Please keep these limitations in mind when using this feature.

Bulk Client Upload

Do not utilize this option on the client dashboard without contacting Aguardion support.                                                                                      

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