Activating Monitoring Events for Existing Clients

Activating Monitoring Events on Existing Clients

Activating Legacy Client Monitoring Events

A major part of the on-boarding process is taking existing clients and adding them to the Aguardion system. Much of this is accomplished by the Aguardion onboarding team, but a few steps are still required from the use to complete the setup of existing clients.


First, a brief overview of monitoring event statuses and what they all mean.

Assigned to CSR/Assigned to FSO

Assigned to CSR/FSO monitoring events have been created and must be installed- they do not have equipment assigned to them. Assigned to CSR monitoring events are waiting for an ‘office install’ and assigned to FSO events a ‘field install’.


Pending events have had equipment installed- they must be confirmed and activated by a CSR or admin to complete the setup of the monitoring event.


Active events require no further input from the user: the client (offender) is being billed daily.


Events are moved by the user to expired when they are concluded. This initiates a return equipment dispatch and the system will check for returned equipment/negative balances that evening.

Inactive/In Arrears

After the event is changed to expired, the system will automatically move it into ‘in arrears’ or ‘inactive' depending on if the client owes money and/or hasn’t returned all of the assigned equipment. 

Activating a Monitoring Event for a Legacy Client

If the monitoring event is already in ‘pending’ status, skip ahead to the 'pending status' section. Any legacy client monitoring event in 'assigned to CSR' monitoring status requires the equipment to be installed on them first. Open up the monitoring event from the monitoring event overview screen by selecting the monitoring event id. First, confirm the package and assigned agency are correct. Is the equipment type assigned and daily rate correct? If not, select the ‘delete’ button next to the device type and then use ‘add device’ to select from the available packages. Lastly, confirm the monitoring event was created under the correct agency.

If everything checks out, next select ‘Install Event’ to assign equipment serial numbers to this event.

On the ‘Install Event’ page, select the equipment serial number(s) from the drop down. Note that you can type the last couple digits and the system will automatically search.

Switch the payment type to ‘cash’ and zero out all the amounts. After submitting, the system will add the serial number to the monitoring event, change the status to ‘pending’ and take you back to the monitoring event main page.

Pending Events

First, confirm that the correct package/daily rate/agency and equipment serial numbers have been assigned to the monitoring event if you haven’t already.
Next, it’s time to upload any legacy documentation that you’d like to include on the monitoring event record. To do this, scroll to the notes section of the monitoring event and select ‘add note’. You can categorize the note utilizing the ‘note type’ drop down and attach documents to the record as well. ‘Save’ to save the note to the monitoring event record.

Note that once saved, notes cannot be edited.

Updating the Balance

Every night, the Aguardion system automatically deducts the daily rate from a client’s pool balance, gradually depleting the pool until a zero (or negative balance) is reached or another pool payment is made. The final step in setting up legacy clients is to translate your legacy accounting records into an accurate pool balance for each offender.

The basic formula is as follows:
Sum of fees paid toward monitoring - (Days Monitored * Daily Rate) = Pool Balance

Remember that today’s fees won’t be deducted from the pool until tonight, so don’t count today as a monitored day in your calculations. You most likely will want to count the day they started though.

Alternative Method

An alternative (but potentially much less accurate) way of finding the balance is to assume the client was completely caught up last time they paid (this works especially well for individuals that have been invoiced on a regular basis in the past).
Alternative Formula:
Last Payment – (Days since last payment * daily rate) = Pool balance

For example, if Jill pays every 30 days ($10 daily rate, $300 total payment), she last paid on the 1st and stipulating its now the 15th:
300 – (15 * 10) = $150.

Regardless of the method you use, a Date/Time Calculator is invaluable.

Once you have come to the correct balance, you can update it manually by adding the correct balance to ‘balance on file’ and selecting ‘update’.

Note that we recommend adding a note indicating why you updated to balance manually. 

Activating the Event

Once you have updated the balance, activate the event via the ‘status’ field. Note that the client’s pool will not be deducted from until they have been activated.

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